Aftercare + FAQ

Aftercare Instructions:

Good healing habits applied to your tattoo now will ensure a beautiful, healthy, long lasting art piece. Swipe through the slides below to see the recommended day-by-day healing routine!

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Tattoo aftercare

Day One:

This is the day you get your tattoo.

 Keep the initial covering on for 3-4 hours to protect your tattoo from bacteria and dirt. When taking the covering off, first wash your hands thoroughly and then gently clean your tattoo with unscented antibacterial soap. Only use unscented liquid soap (I like to use Dial foaming soap) and clean with the pads of your fingers - do not use bar soap, washcloths, or loofas. Pat dry with a clean paper towel and make sure you sleep in clean clothes and bedsheets. Leave your tattoo alone as much as possible and don't allow anyone else or any pets to touch it.

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Tattoo aftercare

Things to Avoid:

 Your body is healing an open wound.

This is why the next two weeks are going to be vital for keeping the area clean and hydrated. It's a good idea to get familiar with these things to avoid:


  • Any products with fragrance, especially heavily scented soaps/lotions. Do not use harsh or reusable products like bar soaps, loofas, mesh nets, exfoliators, sponges, or washcloths!
  • Submerging your tattoo in water - no baths, and especially no lakes, rivers, or pools!
  • Using any new products without doing an allergy patch test.
  • Touching the area with unwashed hands, and no allowing others to touch your tattoo.
  • Applying sunscreen while you're healing. Sunscreen is necessary after you're healed + peeled, but during the healing process, avoid any sun exposure or cover with long sleeves/clothing.
  • Contact with fabrics. Clean clothing is okay and recommended for sun protection, but make sure you're keeping the area away from towels, washcloths, and public surfaces/furniture. The day before a tattoo appointment I like to change/clean my sheets, blankets, pillowcases, and a comfy outfit to sleep in :)

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Tattoo aftercare

Day Two:

This is the after your tattoo.

Day 2 begins the next morning after your tattoo. You'll want to start the day by unwrapping your tattoo if you slept in your wrapping, and then washing your tattoo. Remember to use unscented liquid or foaming soap and not bar soap or loofahs as they can harbor bacteria. After washing and patting dry with a new, clean paper towel, you'll put a very thin layer of unscented moisturizer on your tattoo.

Less is More!

You want to avoid putting too much lotion on your tattoo as it can smother your new ink and actually prolong or impede your healing. A very thin layer over your tattoo 2-3 times per day is plenty! Just make sure you have clean, washed hands before you touch your tattoo!!

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Tattoo aftercare

Day 3-6:

This is the first week.

 Your tattoo may be red and tender for the first week or so. Do your best to keep it clean and leave it alone. Your tattoo is a brand new open wound and the healing period is a very important time to ensure your tattoo's longevity and your own health. Get adequate rest and hydration to give your body the ideal environment to do it's healing thing. Our bodies are incredible, but they need our help to be that way! Please do not dry heal your tattoo, emollient lotions are skin care that help the skin retain moisture, soothe your healing skin, act as a barrier against for the skin. Very important things for your healing process! Continue to wash+ moisturize 2-3 time per day.

Redness, tenderness, swelling, and bruising are all normal to experience in the first few days - but you know your body best, so if you have ANY concerns, please reach out to me! I'm here to help every step of the process!

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Tattoo aftercare

Day Seven:

This is typically the halfway point of healing.

 Every healing process is different, but usually around here, you start experiencing intense itching. DO NOT SCRATCH YOUR TATTOO. Moisturizing your tattoo, lightly patting it, or applying ice for 10 minutes or less can help soothe the itch. When using ice, always use a clean paper towel barrier between the ice and your skin and don't exceed 15 minutes of continuous icing for skin safety and proper circulation. 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off is always a safe guideline. Continue your daily cleaning and moisturizing routine, and leave it alone as much as possible.

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Tattoo aftercare

Day 8-13:

This is the peeling phase.

You've passed the halfway point now, and in addition to itching, you're likely to start peeling if you haven't already. As your wound begins healing from the inside-out, the damaged top layer of skin sheds off. It is incredibly important that this process happens naturally without any picking or scratching. In addition to likely introducing germs to the tattoo from our hands, picking could lead to scabbing and/or ink loss in the tattoo. Try to keep your mind off of it as much as possible with the tips from day 7. Ice packs, light patting, and a thin layer of moisturizer can all help you get through the peeling phase successfully! Remember to still wash + moisturize 2-3 times daily :)

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Tattoo aftercare

Day 14:

This is typically the last day of healing!

If you're still experiencing peeling, wait a few more days until it's finishes completely for any activities like swimming, or using fragranced products. If you're healed + peeled at this point, you can get back to business as usual. I like to take a nice bath to celebrate!

For the longevity of your tattoo:

Use sunscreen any time you're going to be outdoors. UV rays are the #1 enemy of long-lasting tattoos! See more about why sunscreen is important and the science of tattoos here!

Also, remember to stay hydrated by drinking water + moisturizing your skin regularly to keep your skin healthy and happy :)


Where is your studio?

I am tattooing at the studio I own in Vancouver Washington! You can find me at:

Muse Tattoos
8311 NE Hwy 99 Suite 101
Vancouver, WA 98665

What should I bring to my session?

Please bring a valid, government-issued photo ID. Please be aware I cannot accept non-photo ID or expired identification.

Other than that, you're welcome to bring snacks, non-alcoholic drinks, a jacket, blanket, plushie, headphones, or anything else that will make you more comfortable during our session! We have snacks, fidgets, and water on hand for you as well :)


Are you cash only?

Nope! I accept cash, Zelle, and most credit/debit cards.:) No checks though!

Can I use numbing cream?

Numbing cream can be a great tool if you're informed about it! Numbing creams are made of Lidocaine, a local anesthetic that blocks nerves from sending pain signals by stabilizing cells and inhibiting sodium channels. This change in your cell/skin texture can sometimes make it more difficult for your cells to take the ink, leaving a few spot of patchiness/ink loss. If you're cool with a touch up later, or don't mind a little ink loss, then go for the numbing! It's all up to you, just make sure you do an allergy patch test before the appointment day and always follow the box instructions!


Do you do custom work?

Yes! I love doing custom work! Please note that I only take on customs in my style with big bold lines and waves. If you want to see more of the type of work I create, click here to see my portfolio, or here to see my Instagram!

How far out do you book?

I try to only book out for 2 months at a time. This system allows for me to focus better on my projects, leaves room for travel and guest spotting (which I plan to begin soon!), and is overall a less overwhelming process for me. My booking process is all online, You send me an email through my form, I send you an online calendar, and you can pick the date and time that works for you! Super easy! Plus my scheduling system sends you reminder emails so you don't forget your appointment :)


What ink do you use?

I use Solid Lining Black, Empire Classic Black and their Empire's grey wash line.

Can you tattoo over scars? What about stretch marks? Loose skin? Freckles? Moles and birth marks?

Scars must be fully and completely healed, but pose no problem to the tattoo process. Stretch marks, cellulite, and loose skin are also totally fine to tattoo over! All skin is good skin! Moles however, aren't usually tattooable.. large moles and birth marks are best left alone as covering them with a tattoo could cause irritation, unforeseen reactions, and makes it difficult to monitor any medical changes to your mole/mark that could develop.